Boebert Video Theatre

Lauren Boebert Apologizes for Vaping During Performance

Surveillance Video Shows Boebert Lied About Vaping

Representative Boebert's Team Was Not Honest

Lauren Boebert, a hard-right Republican rabble-rouser from Colorado, apologized on Thursday after surveillance video obtained by 9NEWS revealed that she had lied about vaping during a recent performance of the musical "Oklahoma!"

Boebert had initially denied vaping, but the video footage clearly shows her smoking an e-cigarette backstage.

Boebert's apology was met with mixed reactions. Some people praised her for coming clean, while others criticized her for lying in the first place.

The incident has raised questions about Boebert's honesty and judgment. It is unclear whether she will face any consequences for her actions.

Boebert is known for her outspoken views and her support for former President Donald Trump. She has also been criticized for her ties to the far-right.

The vaping incident is just the latest in a series of controversies surrounding Boebert. In January, she was censured by the House of Representatives for her role in the January 6th Capitol riot.

Boebert is currently running for re-election. It remains to be seen whether the vaping incident will have any impact on her campaign.

Boeberts Four Sons Range In Age From 16 To 21

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Is Now a Grandmother

Boebert's Four Sons Range in Age from 16 to 21

The Boebert Family Has Made Headlines Several Times in Recent Months

U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is now a grandmother. A spokesman confirmed to Insider that Boebert's eldest son, Ty, and his wife welcomed a baby girl on March 13, 2023.

Boebert, 36, has four sons with her ex-husband, Jayson Boebert. Their sons range in age from 16 to 21.

The Boebert family has made headlines several times in recent months. In January, Boebert's husband was arrested for allegedly exposing himself to two teenage girls.

Boebert has been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump and is a member of the House Freedom Caucus. She is known for her pro-gun stance and her opposition to abortion.

Boebert Lauren

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Takes Action to Protect Farmers and Ranchers

HR 7468: Preserving Livelihoods in Colorado and Beyond

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has announced her cosponsorship of HR 7468, a crucial piece of legislation designed to protect the livelihoods of Colorado's and America's farmers and ranchers. This legislation addresses critical issues facing the agricultural sector, ensuring the continued prosperity and sustainability of this vital industry.

Supporting Rural Communities

By safeguarding the interests of our agricultural producers, HR 7468 not only strengthens the backbone of our economy but also supports the well-being of rural communities across the nation. These communities rely heavily on the agricultural sector for jobs, income, and economic growth. Congresswoman Boebert's support of this legislation demonstrates her unwavering commitment to protecting the livelihoods of hardworking Coloradans and Americans.

Promoting Food Security

The importance of the agricultural industry extends beyond economic benefits. It plays a fundamental role in ensuring the nation's food security. By supporting HR 7468, Congresswoman Boebert acknowledges the crucial role that farmers and ranchers play in putting food on our tables. She recognizes the necessity of supporting and protecting this vital sector to safeguard our future food supply.

Boebert Initially Denied Admits To Vaping In Theatre

Vaping Representative Apologizes After Footage Emerges

Boebert Initially Denied, Admits to Vaping in Theatre

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) has apologized after new footage emerged showing her vaping inside a Denver theater. Boebert had initially denied vaping during a recent performance of the musical "Wicked."

The apology came as new footage emerged from security cameras at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. On September 10, the Colorado representative was in the audience for a performance of the Broadway musical "Wicked." New footage reveals that Boebert was vaping inside the theater. In CCTV footage, Boebert can be seen taking several puffs from an e-cigarette.

Boebert was escorted from the theater by security after she was caught vaping. She later apologized for her actions, saying that she "made a mistake" and that she "takes full responsibility" for her behavior.

Vaping is not allowed inside the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. The theater's policy prohibits smoking and vaping in all indoor areas, including the auditorium. Boebert's actions have been criticized by some, who say that she should have known better than to vape in a public place. Others have defended Boebert, saying that she made a mistake and that she should not be punished too harshly.

Boebert Caught On Video Apologizing For Inappropriate Behavior At Beetlejuice Show

Boebert Caught on Video Apologizing for Inappropriate Behavior at Beetlejuice Show

Congressmember Had Denied Acting Inappropriately Until Evidence Emerged

Congressmember Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has apologized for inappropriate behavior during a performance of the musical "Beetlejuice" in Denver. Surveillance video obtained by the Denver Post shows Boebert vaping inside the theater, an action that is prohibited by city ordinance. The congressmember had previously denied acting inappropriately.

The incident occurred on March 19th during a matinee performance of "Beetlejuice". Witnesses reported that Boebert was vaping and talking loudly during the show, disrupting the experience for other audience members.

Boebert Initially Denied the Allegations

When confronted about the allegations, Boebert initially denied acting inappropriately. She claimed that she had not been vaping and that she was simply talking to her husband, who was sitting next to her.

However, the surveillance video appears to contradict Boebert's claims. The footage clearly shows Boebert vaping and talking during the performance. The video was released by the Denver Post on April 15th, and Boebert apologized for her behavior the following day.

Boebert Apologizes for Her Behavior

In a statement released on April 16th, Boebert apologized for her actions and said that she takes full responsibility for her behavior. She said that she "let down" her constituents and that she is "deeply sorry" for any disruption she caused.

Boebert's apology comes as she is facing criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Democratic lawmakers have called for Boebert to be censured or even expelled from Congress. Some Republicans have also expressed their disappointment with Boebert's behavior.


The incident at the "Beetlejuice" show has raised questions about Boebert's judgment and fitness to serve in Congress. Her apology is unlikely to fully satisfy her critics, who argue that her behavior has shown a lack of respect for the rule of law and for the institutions of government.

The controversy over Boebert's behavior is sure to continue in the coming weeks and months. It is unclear what the long-term impact of the incident will be on her career or on the Republican Party as a whole.

Uefa Europameisterschaft 2024 Gruppenphase Im Ueberblick

UEFA Europameisterschaft 2024: Gruppenphase im Überblick

Tabellen der Gruppen A bis F

Die Gruppenphase der UEFA Europameisterschaft 2024 steht vor der Tür und verspricht spannende Spiele und packende Duelle. Insgesamt 24 Mannschaften kämpfen in sechs Gruppen um den Einzug in das Achtelfinale. Die Tabellen der einzelnen Gruppen liefern einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Dinge.

Punkte, Tore und Bilanz

Die Tabellen werden nach folgenden Kriterien erstellt:

  • Punkte
  • Tordifferenz
  • Anzahl der erzielten Tore
  • Direkter Vergleich (nur bei Punktgleichheit zwischen zwei Mannschaften)
  • Fair-Play-Wertung (Anzahl der gelben und roten Karten)

Aufstieg ins Achtelfinale

Die jeweils zwei besten Mannschaften jeder Gruppe sowie die vier besten Gruppendritten steigen in das Achtelfinale der EM 2024 auf. Der aktuelle Tabellenstand gibt einen ersten Hinweis auf die möglichen Teilnehmer.

Aktuelle Tabellen

Die aktuellen Tabellen der EM 2024 Gruppen können jederzeit auf der offiziellen Website der UEFA eingesehen werden. Dort finden sich auch weitere Informationen zu Spielplänen, Ergebnissen und Statistiken.

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